3 Good Sleeping Positions for Back Pain

One of the reasons that you might be struggling with back pain could be due to your sleeping position. Here at NuSpine Chiropractic, we help people with back pain all the time. One of the pieces of advice we often give our clients is regarding their sleeping position. Below, we will great down 3 sleeping positions that can help you sleep comfortably with back pain. 

1. On Your Back with a Pillow Under Your Knees It can be hard for some people to sleep on their back. However, this is a great position to sleep in while you are suffering from back pain. For best results, try to put a pillow under your knees. This will help keep your spine straight in a comfortable position all night long.

2. On Your Side with a Pillow Between Your Legs If you enjoy sleeping on your side and still have back pain, then try putting a pillow between your legs. When placed right between your knees, this will take away the pressure that would previously make this position comfortable. At the same time, this position will help ensure that your spine stays straight all night and doesn’t start to be painful in the morning.

3. On Your Stomach with a Pillow Beneath Your Pelvis People who sleep on their stomachs often have issues with back pain since this position might aggravate their lower spine. Your bed probably doesn’t support your body as well in the middle as it does around the edges. This is why putting a pillow underneath your pelvis can be a very comfortable position to sleep in while dealing with back pain.

Thinking of Seeing a Chiropractor Soon to Fix Back Pain While Sleeping? Those who have been searching for a great Lincoln NE chiropractor will find a great new home with NuSpine Chiropractic. With a long track record of success, friendly rates, and a high-quality level of service, this is a great chiropractic clinic to visit while trying to make your spine work at its best. Visit our website to learn more about what we do and how to get in touch with us.


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