Surprising Questions Your Chiropractor May Ask You

When you go in to see a chiropractor for the first time, you might be a little anxious as to how things are going to work. If you want some heads-up on strange questions a chiropractor may ask you, then NuSpine Chiropractic has some ready for you. 

Do You Have Problems with Balance?

It is often surprising for people to learn that balance and your spine are interconnected. In fact, those who have issues with balance may also have problems that only a chiropractor can fix. This is why a chiropractor may ask you about your balance. 

Do You Get Sick A lot?

You would normally think that you would visit a doctor in order to treat issues related to getting sick with things like common cold. However, if you get sick a lot, it can also implicate problems with your spine’s health. Chiropractors can help improve your immune system. 

Will You Come in For Routine Appointments?

Many people see chiropractors as doctors that will fix them in a matter of a couple of appointments. However, visiting a chiropractor is like changing the oil on your car. In order to have the healthiest back possible, you should go in for routine maintenance. 

What is Your Work Schedule Like?

You might not feel like a chiropractor deserves to know your work schedule. However, once you realize that chiropractic appointments may turn into a routine thing, it will be a lot less surprising that they want to know your work schedule. 

Do You Have Medical Records?

Many people find it strange that a chiropractor would need access to previous medical records. After all, they just want to have their back pain cured. However, if a chiropractor asks for your medical records, they may simply need this information to judge how to best help you. 

Ready to Come in For Chiropractic Care?

If you have been searching for a chiropractor in Lincoln NE that can offer you top-quality care and help you get your spine aligned and in top-shape, NuSpine Chiropractic is a great clinic to check out. Visit us on our website to get in touch with us today! 


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