How to Know Your Back Pain is Chronic

If you have been seeking a chiropractor near me, odds are likely that you have chronic back pain. On this page, we will break down a little more on how you can be sure that you qualify as having chronic back pain. The following information will help you know when it’s time to get treatment for your back pain.
1. You Have Mental Burdens that Come Along with It If you are constantly being burdened by mental trauma that comes along with pain, then you might qualify as having chronic pain right off the bat. If mental problems are having an impact on your life, you should definitely consider getting treatment.

2. It Has Been This Way for a Long Time If you have been dealing with chronic pain for a long time, you probably have a condition of some sort. Chronic pain is not something to take lightly. For this reason, those who have been experiencing discomfort in their back for a long time often are great candidates for treatment.

3. It is Impacting Your Work/Social Life If you are starting to cut off social events and/or be less productive at work because of your chronic pain, you are not alone! This is a great excuse to take some time for yourself.

4. Your Rate Your Pain Above a 6 out of 10 If you rate your level of pain on a scale of 1 to 10, anywhere below 5 is generally bearable. However, once you start to go above a 6 out of 10, you should definitely pursue medical help. This is the threshold that typically marks up as chronic pain that needs attention.

5. You Have Simply Had Enough! Sometimes, you reach a boiling point with chronic pain and you just have had enough. If this describes you, then you are probably ready to take action and

Ready to Have a Chiropractor Check Out Your Back? If you have been trying to find a place that does back adjustments Lincoln NE then you should stop by and see us here at NuSpine Chiropractic. We are a high-quality chiropractic clinic with various locations all across the state of Nebraska.


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