How NuSpine Chiropractic Protects Your Privacy

Before you see a chiropractor in Lincoln NE or anywhere in the world, you might need some assurance that your privacy is in safe hands. Sharing sensitive medical conditions and information with others can have terrible consequences on your personal and/or professional life. Below, we will share a little more on how we protect your privacy here at NuSpine Chiropractic.

We Follow HIPAA For starters, we wouldn’t be able to open our doors if we didn’t follow the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This is USA legislation that requires medical workers to keep patient data safe. Here at NuSpine, we follow these legal requirements fully.

We Don’t Share Information with Your Employer One of the common concerns that people may have before they see a chiropractor is that their employer will learn of their condition and immediately lay them off. Don’t worry, we understand how important your privacy is. We will never contact your employer. Even if your insurance is based through them.

Patient-Doctor Confidentiality is Important to Us! Without a relationship between a patient and doctor that is based upon trust, you will never be able to receive the best quality medical care that exists. There are many questions that we may ask you that you would probably never be willing to share around with other people!

We May Request Previous Medical Records Although we do our best to protect your privacy, medical records do exist. If you have medical records from previous health care providers, they can safely forward them to us. This is done through means that steps to ensure your data cannot be leaked out.

No Sensitive Material Leaves our Building When you come in to receive treatment with us, there will undoubtedly be sensitive information that you will share with us. Don’t worry, though. Anything that you share with us will not leave our building to people like your family, employer, or any public platform.

Thinking of Seeing a Chiropractor in Nebraska? If you need to see a Lincoln NE Chiropractor sometime soon, be sure to stop by and see us here at NuSpine Chiropractic. We have discounted rates for first-time customers, premium services like hydrotherapy, and expert chiropractors ready to help you with many different forms of chronic pain.


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