5 Questions NuSpine Clients Commonly Ask Our Chiropractors

Those searching for a great chiropractor near me often have many of the same questions and concerns. Here at NuSpine Chiropractic, we handle clients seeking assistance for back pain all the time. Below, we will answer some of the common questions that we receive.

1. Are You a Doctor? Technically, chiropractors are not doctors. They are specialists in a particular niche of medical care. This is in the realm of back pain, how to make spinal adjustments and overall lifestyle choices that benefit the health of your spine.

2. What Kind of Back Pain Do You Serve? Having back pain is a heavy burden for someone to bear. For this reason, we are happy to assist with all types and forms of back pain. There are rare circumstances, though, where we will forward our clients on over to other people who are specialists in a particular niche of medicine.

3. Do You Give Out Pain Med Prescriptions? Chiropractors are generally not licensed to give out pain prescriptions. Therefore, be sure that you go to a separate medical professional that has the proper licensing if pain medication is something that you think you need. Generally, though, pain medication doesn’t get rid of your chronic pain. Keep this in mind.

4. Can I Buy Bulk Packages? Yes! Here at NuSpine Chiropractic, one of the things that we specialize in is having many different packages that suit people of all needs and budget ranges. If you like the work that we do here at NuSpine, you are encouraged to buy monthly packages with us!

5. How Often Should I Come In? Generally, it is difficult to assert how often you should come in without first getting to know you and your exact pain condition. Therefore, plan on seeing us first before you make any sort of assumptions as to how often you will be seeing us in the future!

Ready to Schedule an Appointment with NuSpine Chiropractic? Getting the best chiropractic care Lincoln NE has never been easier than it is with NuSpine Chiropractic. We can help with many different forms of chronic pain and are happy to accommodate you however possible. We have many premium services such as Hydrotherapy and also personal expertise that we are ready to share!


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