Main Differences Between a Chiropractor and a Doctor
Many people seeking chiropractic care Lincoln NE are not quite sure what this sort of professional even does. Sadly, they are often confused with doctors. Accordingly, we will break down some of the main differences between a doctor and a chiropractor below.

1. Chiropractors Don’t Go to Medical School

One of the main differences between a chiropractor and a doctor is that a chiropractor doesn’t require going to medical school. Instead, they spend this time practicing their craft and beginning their training in spinal care. Doctors don’t receive nearly the amount of training in spinal care that chiropractors do.

2. Doctors Don’t Perform Alterations Like a Chiropractor

Although a doctor may be able to sometimes do basic alterations, they are not a chiropractor. Nor do they know all the different techniques for alterations that chiropractors do. This is why those who want instant alterations that avoid surgery will instead see a chiropractor in place of a doctor.

3. Chiropractors Don’t Prescribe Medication

Even though chiropractors are great resources for treating chronic pain in your back, they don’t prescribe pain medication or any sort of medication. If you need a prescription drug, they will refer you to the proper professional during your appointment.

4. Chiropractors Don’t Give Invasive Surgery

If you need to get some sort of major spinal surgery, a chiropractor is not the professional you will need to see. Instead, you will need to go see a spine doctor. These are the people who will conduct invasive surgery that involves opening up your back and doing physical work on your spine.

5. Both Can Have Targeted Specializations

Just like a doctor can specialize in certain parts of the body, a chiropractor can have specializations. This can include specializations based on the age of the patient, the body size of the patient, and much more. Just like doctors, chiropractors are not to be put in one category.

Think You Need to See a Chiropractor Soon?

If you want to see a chiropractor in Lincoln NE, then a great place to check out is Nu Spine Chiropractic. On your first $29 visit, you will receive a full examination, first set of treatment, and complimentary hydrotherapy. If you enjoy the service, you can then sign up for monthly packages.


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